Monday, February 28, 2011


1) Why is facebook so big?

Facebook is a big trend because people like to be social. People naturally like to have connections and to communicate with other people. Facebook allows you to do this no matter where you are or what youre doing with devices like the iPhone. people love and feel a need for constant communication.

2) Why have all these underdog games become multi million dollar products?

These games find and use psycological tendencies in people to make them want to buy and play the games.

3) Why do people want "reality" and "real" things?

People have a need for reality. Like the example of real swiss chocolate, "It's real so I'll take it". This is one of those psycological tendencies that most people have that games utilize to gain a greater marketing base.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Graphic Design

 This advertisement came from a robotics magazine and is advertising an easy way to implement a wireless system. The readability is good because the font is simple and the color contrasts with the background. The add isn't too boring because there are pictures, and it is also informational because of the short descriptions about each component. The size was a bit small but it didnt hinder readability.

1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design?
Trends are common intrests between large groups of people. Idendifying them prior to graphic design is important so that your ad will be well recieved.

2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?

People of certain demographic groups tend to be able to relate better to some things than others. For example, when beer is marketed to men, the commercails often include partying and women because men will be more inclined to by a product that is marketed with images of partying and women.

3. How is a potential audience identified?

A potentail audience is identified depending on who the product is being sold to.

4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design?

You must discover the interests and tendencies of your audience prior to graphic design.

Friday, February 11, 2011

design challenge 2.1.4

for this challenge, i was tasked to create a candy dispenser with four parts. i also had to design four new candy shapes. i chose to do the candy dispenser because it seemed easy but interesting at the same time. the problem was to design a candy dispenser that could be handheld and that would dispense candy easily enough for a 5 - 12 year old to use. during brainstorming, i came up with one idea, but i thought it would be the best idea i would get so i used that. i checked the requirements and measurment constraints and made sure my design fell into those requirements. last, i designed  four candy shapes, which was the easiest part. i only made one design so i couldnt do a decision matrix.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Content is King

One hobby I have a passion for is playing guitar. The brand of guitar that I play exclusively is ESP. Here is their blog: They use their blog to promote their brand and their products. I could see myself having a personal blog about guitars or music and that sort of thing.